Thursday, July 24, 2008

The Immortal Iron Fist #17

Ok! Not bad!

I really wasn't completely sold on this issue until the final panel where the new baddie is standing over Kwai Jun-Fan (aka The Iron Fist circa 1878) and reveals that he's the killer of Iron Fists. I thought it was a great reveal, even though it may have been an obvious one for many (it wasn't for me).

The issue starts off with a flash forward to a K'un-Lun 10 years into the future, where we find Misty Knight and what we are led to believe is her child with Daniel Rand. The young kid storms into his mother's chambers and demands to know how his father really died. Not really the biggest fan of this type of storytelling, as I feel like it has a good chance of either painting future writers into corners or just making for an otherwise lame story down the line when someone has to write their way out of it to change it. Not a huge qualm, but it did make me flinch a little.

Overall, I think Swierczynski crafted an overly acceptable story and takes the reins from Fraction / Brubaker with hardly a hiccup. I thought his dialogue was well done and the story was a breeze to navigate.

Foreman's art wasn't amazing nor insulting. It was just kind of there and that's plenty fine.

Very interested to see how this shapes up in the next few issues and this new creative teams arc overall.


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