Thursday, July 17, 2008

What I Got - 07/16/08

Scapled #19
Joker's Asylum: Poison Ivy
The Mighty Avengers #16
Omega The Unknown #10 (last of the mini series)
Marvel 1985 #3
The Walking Dead #50
Hard Boiled (pretty fucked up Frank Miller series from 1990)

Pretty exciting haul. Hard Boiled was sold as a set in my shop, and after skimming through the first issue I had to have it. Beautiful artwork, great pre-hack Miller writing. Can't wait to finish the 3rd and final part. Also, as an added bonus and pleasant surprise, I noticed that on the inner front cover of each issue is artist Geof Darrow's signature (including one sketch) and, in one issue, what looks like Frank Miller's signature. Between that and The Watchmen trailer being leaked early today (which gave me a total lady boner) today was like nerd Christmas!


1 comment:

omg spoilerz, plz! said...

Don't you mean nerd Channukah, Amy?

Tee hee.