I know I said yesterday that the first issue in the second Phonogram series is my most anticipated this week and it remains as such. A VERY close second is Punisher War Zone #1 by Garth Ennis and Steve Dillion.
Garth- you've been sorely missed on the monthly Punisher book since you left and I can't wait to see what you and Steve have in store for Frank in this weekly (yes-WEEKLY) six issue mini.
Here's what else I will be picking up. Hey- new Final Crisis!
Booster Gold #15
Final Crisis #5 (of 7)
Justice League of America #27
Young Liars #10
Phonogram: The Singles Club #1 (of 7) (editors note: !!!)
Astonishing X-Men Ghost Boxes #2 (of 2)
Secret Invasion Dark Reign (editors note: maybe)
And that about does it.
Please note: House of Mystery has been booted this week. That thing started out with a lot of promise and went flat very quickly.
In other comics news: BOOOOOOOOO!
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