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"Shouldn't be any spoilers, if you read this week's issue (#14). These are uncorrected lettering proofs and might have typos and other weirdness. Please ignore all that."
After you get past some of the insanely inflated Buy It Now listings, which includes a $10,000 listing for a SpidermanObama domain name, you’ll see that bidding seems to be topping out at around $86 for a single, ungraded, unsigned, variant copy. One can find signed copies fetching over $125, or cleverly pre-sold packages of the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd variant printings together for more. It seems that while the number of high-priced Buy It Nows have grown, they aren’t moving for, say, $500 a pop. At this point, the $80 to $90 seems to be the top end.
The top sales prices will probably cool off by next week, as people who just want any copy as a “historical document” of sorts will likely just be happy to own a 2nd or 3rd printing. The speculators have already been in, and, based on Buy It Nows, a number of them will seemingly just be holding the bag. Let’s hope they won’t need a bailout."
I urge everyone out there who wants this as a collectors item to wait for additional printings that you will be able to pick up for around $2.99.Issue one drops the reader into a contemporary city full of freaks, poseurs, and trigger-happy gangsters. After a series of confusing encounters, Chang and his skin part company. How and why this happens are unclear, but the last panel foreshadows what's to come: A gap-toothed little girl with an eye patch frolics with Chang's floppy epidermis, which is drawn in a cheery style.
Sounds delightful. As far as I can tell Vertigo never collected this in trade form, so either I have happened on a hidden treasure or, well it's just not that good. Smart money is on the first option. I'll try to read it over the weekend and give you a review early next week.