(WARNING: If you don't want pretty much this entire issue to be spoiled for you, read the comic before you read this post.)
Wow. If I had to sit through the schlock that was Secret Invasion just to get to Dark Avengers #1 than that was a small price to pay.
I like Brian Michael Bendis, I do. But he's hot and cold with me. I either think it's really good or not good at all. I think his strengths are also his weaknesses. But when BMB is on he's really fucking on and no one can touch him.
Here- he's really fucking on.
Dark Avengers #1 deals with the aftermath of Secret Invasion. Tony Stark is no longer in power as the head of S.H.I.E.L.D. or the Avengers, replaced by Norman Osborn. S.H.I.E.L.D. is quickly dismantled in favor of H.A.M.M.E.R. Now all that's left for Norman to figure out is who should make up the new Avengers team.
Here's the new cast:
Ares (played by Ares)
Sentry (played by Sentry)
Ms. Marvel (played by Moonstone after Carol Danvers rejects Norman's offer)
Hawkeye (played by Bullseye!)
Wolverine (played by Daken- Logan's pissed off son!)
Symbiotic Spider-Man (played by Venom!)
Captain Marvel (played by Noh-Varr)
and The Iron Patriot (played by Norman Osborn himself)
It was a real joy to read through this issue and see how each encounter between Norman and his team picks plays out. I'm especially excited to see Daken here. I was reading Wolverine Origins for a while and I really felt like he could be an epic character in the right hands.
I kept hearing how Bendis had ideas for Secret Invasion a long time ago and his whole time working on the Avengers titles was building up to that point. I would like to think that Dark Reign will be his true masterpiece, but he just had to set the groundwork with Secret Invasion. I guess I might be raving a little too much for only having read one issue, but this one issue is just that good.
All in all I think this is a genius idea by Bendis and I hope he keeps bringing the awesome. I had a lot of fun reading this all the way through and when it was over I immediately wanted more. That's always a good sign.
P.S. - Mike Deodato REALLY wants Tommy Lee Jones to play Osborn in some kind of superhero movie:

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