Brian Azzarello and Lee Bermejo will release Joker on October 29th.
From Newsarama:
"Here they seek to redefine a character that is perhaps the most well-known character of the year. They made him even more recognizable by going for a look that combines the movie look and his traditional comic look. This book doesn’t technically take place in any strict continuity, but allowing for only a couple tiny changes, this could be smack dab in the film world. Herein you see the perfect way to introduce Killer Croc, Penguin (though with a different first name), and Riddler into the films. There’s also a unique take on Harley Quinn, and a fantastic supporting character (who’s also narrating) that grounds Joker’s insanity in reality."
There's a new clip of Punisher: War Zone up over at www.punisherwarzonemovie.com. The sound wouldn't work for me and the video stalled halfway through. No matter. There's an overwhelmingly possibility that this movie will, in fact, suck.
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