While I have to admit that I'm not exactly counting down the days until Watchmen hits theaters (I'm on Alan Moore's side when it comes to his work being made into movies), I'm still going to be one of the first in line to see it. Zack Snyder has agreed to stay pretty true to the text, so that's good news for us nerds. But what does that mean for non-comic reading fans? Sci-Fi has put together a list of ten reasons why Watchmen potentially might not appeal to everyone:
1. It's an alternate-history Cold War period piece.
2. Ridiculous-looking costumes.
3. Old Folks.
4. Zack Snyder.
5. Flashbacks and Allegories.
6. Lack of Familiarity.
7. Lack of Star Power.
8. Length.
9. A Lot of Exposition.
10. The Ending.
Do yourself a favor and click over to the article to read the explanations for each.
I do love this picture though:

Silk Spectre II, you are a stone cold fox!
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