While issue #1 was engaging it also seemed slightly overambitious about the story it was trying to tell in only a half dozen issues. #2 sees things starting to come together nicely and is shaping up to be a classic Vertigo mini.
Taking the larger than life status of British rock n roll bands in the 1960's and applying it to a superhero team, Greatest Hits centers around The Mates: four young lads fighting crime and becoming the world's biggest celebrities in the process. That means dealing with all the trappings that superstardom brings- the press, the parties, the groupies...the blumpkins!
The story is told with a split narrative. Nick Mansfield is a present day director and the son of Archie Sugg, one of The Mates. He's reluctantly making a documentary about his father's team, so one half of the story is the trials and tribulations involved with working in the midst of a large familial shadow. The second half of the story is flashbacks to the heyday of The Mates as we experience their growing pains as they happened- drugs, lineup changes and the death of a former member.
All in all when the last panel is done, it left this reader wanting more right away. You gotta respect when a comic that could have gone either way after the inital issue decides to take an emphatic turn down Awesome Street. Can't wait for the next four chapters!
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