Wednesday, November 19, 2008

invincible being awesome goes without saying.

invincible 55
fantastic 4 561
machina 39
supergirl 35
kingdom come special
x-factor 37
thunderbolts 126
constantine hellblazer 249
goon 30
ultimate fantastic 4 58
spirit special 1
uncanny x-men 504
x-men legacy 218
flash 246
trinity 25
conan the cimmerian 5
supergirl maelstrom
punisher war journal 25
dynamo 5 18
kirby's the demon hardcover
castle waiting 13

castle waiting is sort of like the idea of fables, with an all ages bone feel, but instead of having wars and enemies, the characters just learn about each others as they live their day to day lives. issues 12 and 13 were about
dr. fell's experiences during the plague and about bowling.

there is new art team on x-factor this month. thank you god! this have been the most consistently good x-comic over the last few years, but the last few issues looked like absolute shit.

andy diggle takes over thunderbolts today. i'm expecting good things, and by good things i mean he's going to do horrible things to characters i like. in this issue songbird, penance and radioactive man are all in trouble as the more vicious members of the group act against them, under norman osbornes orders...

my crush on peter tomasi continues this week in kingdom come special: magog. every character in jsa deserves an issue like this. it's a good read and adds some needed character focus to the over-staffed justice society.

-the neg man

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